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Alliance Terrdala

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Alliance Terrdala Niveau 77
Effets Caractéristiques / Conditions Recette
Alliance Terrdala vitalite 26 à 40 Vitalité
sagesse 16 à 25 Sagesse
3 à 4 Dommages
4 à 5% Résistance Terre
4 à 5% Résistance Eau

Conditions :
Aucune condition.

Poids :
0 pods

Remarques :
50 Artefact Pandawushu Terre
5 Bois de Bambou Sombre
5 Bois de Bambou
2 Aluminite
2 Kouartz
1 Topaze
Description : Dans la panoplie : Panoplie Terrdala
Cette alliance provient du village de Terrdala. Plus proche du porte-bonheur que de la relique magique, elle vous permettra tout de même de faire croire à vos amis que vous avez trouvé l'âme soeur.

Articles liés

Liste des donjons, quêtes et tutoriels dans lesquels cet objet apparaît :

Total : 0 articles.

Nombre de commentaires : 1



2014-10-12 12:29:32 | #1

it. Important thing is what was said. I use all the inputs to my befinet for improving our process and determine where I should pay attention on the future planning.You got my point by now that how important it is to know what Iranian people wish for. We need to spend a little more time about the Vision of Tomorrow for people. We are required to know what people want. (Being vague like they want freedom won't help us either). Until we find out what nation need in specific, we are throwing our fist to the wall and most of the time in the air.We all experienced this fact by now, that regime change does not necessary bring democracy. Don't jump the gun and assume that I am pro this or that lets look at the big picture. Everything depends on having objectives We need to have an OBJECTIVE and know what PEOPLE want. Where should these objectives come from? We, people living outside Iran, ARE NOT the one to determine what the people of Iran want. It should come from Iranian people who are currently living in Iran.Also it is important to know what they are fighting for and NOT what they are fighting against. Eastern culture unfortunately does only concentrate on what we do NOT want instead of what we should go after. Ok, we all know most majorities do not want Molla's regime. If Mollah leaves tomorrow then WHAT? This is what we have to work on. What is the alternative? Give me something to replace them for? I was tricked once, big time, and I was promised that if Shah leaves, things will change for better. We need to know what is the substitute?Poll or survey is one of the tools we need to use to learn or rediscover of people's interest IN SPECIFIC for the future of Iran. For example, is there any statistic to show what percentage still wants monarchy? What percentage wants state of republic? How they would like for us to pursue? What kind of help in specific they need from us? Etc Having this information from the people who reside in Iran, will certainly help us to concentrate or maybe in particular re-direct some of our efforts toward educating our self, how to lobby, reforming our effort, re-grouping, and most importantly come together.Only survey of Iranian people inside Iran will provide the answer -VidaBeverly Hills, California

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